Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the school’s attendance policy?
- When are report cards and parent/teacher conferences?
- Does the school have a dress code?
- Can my child take his or her medication at school?
What is the school’s attendance policy?
Teachers are responsible for students entrusted to their care during the normal school day. Students arriving after 8:15 a.m. must go directly to homeroom where their teacher will mark them tardy. Please note that for every three tardies during one semester, we assign your student detention.
Parents must call the school each day a student will be absent. Upon returning to school, the student must bring a note, signed by the parent, which describes the reason for the absence. We will not accept a note signed by the student, even with the parent’s permission. We must receive notes for absences within three days of the absence or the absence will be unexcused.
Types of Absences
We recognize two kinds of absences: excused and unexcused. Students and parents should read the details of our attendance policy carefully to understand our expectations. Students and parents should also be aware of the school’s policy regarding homework, quizzes, and tests following an absence.
For more complete details regarding our attendance policy, please refer to the Attendance Policy.
Back to TopWhen are report cards and parent/teacher conferences?
We issue student grade report cards at least once every six weeks. Report cards also contain information regarding student absences in each class or subject taken.
At the end of the first three weeks of a grading period, we will issue a written progress report of each student’s performance in all courses. We hold progress report conferences with parents every third week within a six-week grading period. If a student receives a grade lower than 70% in any class or subject during a grading period, we encourage parents to schedule an additional conference with the teacher of that class or subject.
A report card or progress report will also indicate whether tutorials are required for a student receiving a grade of 70% or lower in a class or subject.
Parents must sign and return report cards and progress reports to the school within five days.
Back to TopDoes the school have a dress code?
We established our dress code to teach grooming and hygiene as well as to prevent disruption and minimize safety hazards. You will find the basic school uniform requirements on our Uniform Policy page.
Back to TopCan my child take his or her medication at school?
If possible, we ask that parents/guardians administer all medication outside of school hours. If necessary, an employee designated by the superintendent can administer medication in compliance with physicians’ orders under the following conditions:
- Parents must bring nonprescription medication to school along with a written request that includes the directions for dosage and the time the child must receive the medication. The medication must also be in the original and properly labeled container. We will not administer substances such as vitamins and herbal preparations at school except if required by the student’s Individualized Education Program (“IEP”) or Section 504 plan for a student with disabilities.
- Prescription medications administered during school hours must be prescribed by a physician or advanced nurse practitioner (“ANP”) and filled by a pharmacist licensed in the state of Texas.
- Parents must submit prescription medications in a labeled container showing the student’s name, the name of the medication, the reason the medication is being given, the proper dosage amounts, the time the medication must be taken, and the method used to administer the medication. We will NOT administer medications sent in plastic baggies or unlabeled containers.
- Please only bring the amount of the medication your child needs for one day, one week, etc. In cases of prolonged need, send in the amount for a clearly specified period. We will not send extra medication home with the student.
- In certain emergency situations, the school may administer a nonprescription medication to a student, but only in accordance with the guidelines developed by the school and when the parent has previously provided written consent for emergency treatment.
- We do not allow students to share any medication with another student. (This includes prescription medication or over-the-counter products.)